

Business Software


  • • Country: Slovenia
  • • Employees: 100
  • • End users: 50,000

Reduced Costs, Upgraded Security

With a rapidly growing number of clients and a fast international expansion, Datalab needed support and consulting services for both domestic and foreign partner companies.

Datalab’s existing personal customer support had become too expensive overnight, and its consultants’ performance had started to be affected.

Datalab responded to the situation quickly. Soon they began building a new infrastructure for the customer support around their core product PANTHEON. The new support center’s goal was to centralise and standardise all support services in nine countries, while also reduce support costs and increase customer satisfaction.

“We are enthusiastic about ISL Online and are using it as a core support mechanism for our business software. We were particularly excited about how easy integration with our helpdesk and billing system was,” said Andrej Mertelj, Chairman of the Executive Board of Datalab.

Why ISL Online

Datalab decided to use ISL Online software as a remote support tool for clients with software questions or difficulties. Once the integration was finished – completed in a single week – ISL Online enabled operators to connect to the clients’ computer without any prior installation or configuration.

“That was the fastest computer software integration I have ever seen,” said Andrej Mertelj, Chairman of the Executive Board of Datalab.

In a highly secure remote desktop session, Datalab operators can view their clients’ desktop, gain control of the keyboard and the mouse, use the whiteboard, and transfer files. ISL Online improved communication during the session itself as well. Not only can the operator and the client communicate via the integrated audio (VoIP), live video and text chat, but the operator can also make virtual drawings on the client’s desktop and thus visually instruct the client how to solve the problem in case it occurs again.

To round off their offer, ISL Online's session management system was connected to the Datalab ticketing system to enable precise supervision of remote support sessions. The clients would then be charged according to the length of the session monitored in the Datalab’s support centre.

“Now that ISL Light is integrated with our ticketing system, the clients using our support services are being charged according to their use, accurate to one second in fact,” said Mertelj.

Costs down 70%, Response Times up

Since switching to ISL Online in 2005, Datalab has improved the response time and cut the support services costs by 70%, mainly due to a faster problem resolution time. The support cases are now solved online without the redundant travelling costs or long telephone conversations.

“ISL Online helps our software users to reduce support costs and is thus among the key information technologies used in Datalab,” said Mertelj. “ISL Light has helped us to become more productive.

Another useful thing is the support claims list, which shows every session data in detail. And lastly, ISL Online has offered us to add a personalised questionnaire, which both the client and the operator fill in after each support session to collect information on the support service's efficiency.”

Try 15 Days For Free

Enjoy your new remote desktop experience!

All features included. No credit card required.