

Car Dealership

Key facts

  • • Unattended remote access across the 50 car dealerships
  • • Easy and fast transition to ISL Online
  • • Increased productivity and security
  • • 2,000 hours saved per year
  • • 22,000 remote support sessions per year
  • • Significant cost reduction
  • • Consolidation of the remote access solution

Reliable and Secure Unattended Access to Computers Across 50 Car Dealerships

Grupo Fame has more than 50 car dealerships spread across Michoacán, Querétaro, and Mexico City in Mexico. The leading car dealership needed a solution that would empower it to provide immediate and efficient support to all users in the organization, and keep its IT services up to date via remote management. Such a solution had to be reliable, cost-effective, and seamlessly support all major platforms.

"Our service desk typically supports 60 users a day and sets up about 22,000 sessions during the year," says Hazael Olivares, IT manager at Grupo Fame. With such a high demand for remote support services, a solution was needed that could provide unattended access to the company's computers across its 50 car dealerships.

Although Grupo Fame used a competitive solution, the support teams relied on different remote solutions to get the job done. In addition, none of these solutions were designed for the enterprise environment. This prompted the IT department to look at unifying their support processes and settle on a remote desktop solution that could be implemented for the entire group. This is where ISL Online solution for unattended access came into play.

Unattended remote access: enhancing business efficiency and security

ISL Online empowers Grupo Fame's support engineers from various regions with everything they need to deliver remote solutions with increased efficiency and security. By providing comprehensive unattended access, all users in the organization get to work with confidence. The IT department can manage any device regardless of geographic location and provide instant remote support when the system needs troubleshooting or is compromised.

"The great thing about ISL Online is that it allows us to install unattended remote access to an unlimited number of computers. It saves us a lot of money!" explains Olivares.

ISL Online's unattended access feature was most beneficial to Grupo Fame because it gives the company complete control over its IT infrastructure. With a single click, support technicians can remotely connect to any problematic computer and resolve users' issues. It ensures quick and instant setup of a remote access session with devices located across the dealerships.

"ISL Online team has set up a branded access point for us. It’s a simple webpage in line with our graphical design and it is the go-to page for our clients that need remote support and our technicians that can sign in and start remote sessions from there," explains Olivares.

Owing to the diverse nature of their support services, Grupo Fame needed an unattended access solution that would not create inefficiencies and confusion. With ISL Online, the IT department has been able to achieve the same level of unattended remote access support through a single tool. Consolidation of their remote access solution was the answer Grupo Fame needed.

Swift integration of ISL Online into the company's support processes

"We were impressed with how easy and quick the adaptation process to ISL Online was for our service desk team. In just a few days, the entire support team began working with the solution as if they had had it for years," explains Olivares. The entire support team had a quick transition from their legacy support solution to ISL Online, which offers business-grade features, including top-notch security, reliability and unattended access. As a result, the IT department is able to resolve various user issues revolving around Document Management System (DMS), email setup, printer configurations, domain issues and firewall policies, among others.

Increased productivity: 2,000 hours saved per year

"Since we started using ISL Online, we've saved about 2,000 man-hours per year," Olivares estimates the productivity impact of the ISL Online software. While the company has noticed an improvement in support processes, Olivares points out that "the end users have emerged as the ultimate winners. Their productivity has increased because their problems are being fixed in record time."

"Last but not least, I would like to thank the ISL Online organization for helping us out with a few weeks of free service during the COVID -19 situation. This was a great help because we were able to focus on using all of our financial resources to keep the organization afloat," concludes Olivares.

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All features included. No credit card required.