University of Monterrey (UDEM)



Key Facts

  • • Remote support and live chat for 8000 students and their parents
  • • 250 users supported on peak days
  • • Waiting times reduced to zero
  • • Increased productivity and client satisfaction
  • • Key requests were highest security and advanced customisation
  • • The ISL Online software was adopted very fast by supporters and clients
  • • Remote support and live chat included in the same license

We wanted an outstanding service for our students

With 16,000 students coming from 70 different countries, the University of Monterrey (UDEM) has a strong international participation and is the Mexican university with the highest percentage of students participating in exchange programs abroad. Their challenge was to offer the students and their parents an efficient communication and support channel that would allow the UDEM team to provide answers and support them with the applications in real time.

With the auto-assignment feature we were able to reduce user waiting times to 0.

Guillermo Andrés Verástegui López, Educational Planning Manager
University of Monterrey (UDEM)

"We support 8,000 users yearly; at the beginning of the academic year we support 250 users per day. The solution we were looking for had to be reliable, fast and secure to help us to create an outstanding user experience for our users," explains Guillermo Andrés Verástegui López, Educational Planning Manager at UDEM.

To achieve an outstanding service UDEM turned to ISL Online remote desktop and live chat software provider. "We wanted to guarantee maximum security when dealing with students’ sensitive information, so one of our key requirements was strict security measures,” says López. UDEM team also wanted the remote support and live chat software to blend in with their website graphical interface, so rich customisation options were another key requirement.

University of Monterrey
The ISL Online service was customised to fully match the UDEM graphical design and was integrated into the University’s website.

Short learning curve and fast productivity boost

Once the ISL Online service was implemented and active, the UDEM team were impressed at how fast supporters and users adopted the new live chat and remote support solution. From the moment the service was set up and available on UDEM students’ pages they started to receive requests. UDEM support reps soon recognized the benefits of features like file transfer, canned responses, remote desktop and reported an increase in productivity and clients’ satisfaction.

"The auto-assignment feature plays a very important role in the support process as we were able to reduce user waiting times to 0,” Lopez comments on how support became more efficient as the support agents can now focus exclusively on the support case and not who and when to take over. Besides, live chat gives an agent the ability to start multiple chats and handle more than one client at the same time.

Optimizing the workflow based on the detailed performance reports

ISL Online allows UDEM to create unlimited user accounts under one license, so with only one license UDEM has created 50 user accounts for their support team agents. "The main account administrator has a report which shows detailed usage and chat history of all 50 reps,” Lopez recognizes the benefit of managing and optimizing the workflow of the support team.

Try 15 Days For Free

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All features included. No credit card required.