To simplify the management of computers and users, we have introduced the Administration pages with many useful features. Here, you can have an overview of all computer groups, users, and user groups. Additionally, you can access the Audit to view and filter all the events within Administration pages, and configure settings on the domain level or the user level.
Note: Administration pages can only be accessed by Domain Admin users. The Account Owner is a Domain Admin by default, and you can promote other users to Domain Admin by going to Administration > Users > Select User > Settings > General, and configure setting Domain Admin to "Enable".
Computer Groups
The Computer Groups page in ISL Online offers an overview of all the Computer Groups in your account.

Administration > Computer Groups
Group Owner
The Group Owner of a Computer Group is the user who created the group. This user has the ability to edit and delete computers within the group, as well as execute actions on them.
Members (users or user groups) of the Computer Group can be granted access to all computers within the group. Additionally, the following permissions can be set:
Additionally, the following permissions can be set:
a.) Connect OnlyMembers with this permission can connect to computers inside of the Computer Group.
b.) Computers ManagerMembers with this permission have the same access as "Connect Only" members, but they can also edit and delete computers, and execute actions on them.
c.) Group AdminMembers with this permission have the same access as "Computers Manager" members, but they can also share access and change the permissions of computer group. Each Computer Group must have at least one Group Admin.
The Users page allows you to create new users and assign them ISL Online accounts. You can also manage existing users by editing their full names, email addresses, and changing or resetting their passwords. Additionally, you can set specific permissions for each user, such as assigning the number of licenses or disabling certain features.

Administration > Users
User Groups
The User Groups page enables you to create groups of users and add them to those groups. The main purpose of User Groups is to group users based on certain characteristics, such as department. By creating a User Group for a department, you can grant access to certain computers or computer groups for the entire department and set their permissions.
For example, you could have a User Group named "Admins" that requires access to multiple computers or computer groups. By sharing the computers or computer groups with the "Admins" User Group, new team members will automatically have access to those resources when they are added to the group. If a user no longer requires access, they can simply be removed from the group.
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Administration > User Groups
The Audit page provides an overview of all events happening within the Administration pages. You can filter events by type, such as "user created," and see when they happened, whether they were successful, who initiated the action, and the raw data of the event. Additionally, you can filter results by user, event, timestamp, and more.
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Administration > Audit
The Settings pages allow you to change domain settings that affect all users. You can manage scheduled access times for computers, require two-factor authentication, set password length and complexity requirements, and more. Note that these settings can also be enabled or disabled at the user level, which can be accessed by going to Administration > Users > User Settings.

Administration > Settings > Overview
- Enabled
- Disabled (allow override): The setting is disabled but it can be overridden on a lower level
- Disabled (deny override): The setting is disabled and it can NOT be overridden on a lower level
Let's list a few examples of settings
Domain Admin
Enabling this allows access to the Administration pages. It is recommended to only enable this setting on the user level.
Max licence usage
This setting limits the number of licenses available to a user.
Scheduled sessions (in UTC)
This setting specifies the days of the week and times when the user is allowed to start a session. Sessions outside of the schedule will be rejected.
Skip login authentication (guest operator)
When this setting is enabled, operators are allowed to invite guest operators (without a user account) into their ISL Light sessions.
Login without configured Two-Factor Authentication
Disabling this option will force Two-Factor Authentication for the user(s). Users will be required to configure Two-Factor Authentication on their next login attempt if they do not have at least one Two-Factor Authentication method set.
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